
Compact Innovation Avenues Private Limited


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Compact Innovation Avenues (CIA) is a firm formed recognising the importance and place of innovation in the modern business landscape. With so many business models floating around and with the internet keeping very little secrets, the concept of “ how you are doing what you are doing ” is assuming far greater significance than “what your are doing”. Innovation has thus become a key driver of business, let alone growth.

CIA focusses on innovation in various business aspects, while attempting to address societal issues. The larger objective is to rope in students and young entrepreneurs into a business ecosystem with various complementing businesses, all bringing in innovation to varying extent.

While several organisations have a separate innovation vision, we intend to have innovation in our mainstay vision, thus capturing the spirit and importance of innovation in todays business scenario. is a vertical devoted to champion the usage of Ethical paper, India’s no 1 branded recycled paper and making it a viable and first choice alternative to mainstream white/ regular/ virgin pulp paper.


Q What are the benefits of using ethical paper ?

Every kilogram of ethical paper used saves xx kgs of virgin wood, and xx litres of water and saves xx energy when compared to virgin paper.
Green house gases reduced since the waste paper is reused instead of getting composted
Reduced landfill logistics
Plugin your CSR activities with usage of ethical paper and engage your stakeholders on a social journey. Walk the talk by implementing recycled paper, constantly reminding the users about the larger vision towards environment.

Score instant brownie points from your customers, clients & stakeholders with your commitment to environment.

Q Why is white considered an ecological crime ?

Many products, when made to be white in appearance , come with a huge cost – of either environment or health.

Take the case of sugar – where the brown ‘mineral’ sugar or the raw cane sugar is now advocated.
Maida is a white element that is stripped out of fibres of wheat, that compromises on our health.
Bread – the world is now recognising the importance of brown bread, against the white.
White cloth comes at a big environmental cost, through chemicals, bleaching etc.
The whiter the paper, more the bleaching chemicals, more the water utilised .

Q How does paper contribute to deforestation?

Felling of trees for the wood fibre required for paper is the apparent and obvious action that leads to deforestation. Also, regular paper uses wood fibre from mono-culture, manmade plantations, that replaces our native forests which has biodiversity. These plantations are not a bio ecosystem and contributes indirectly but largely to the deforestation activities

Q How good is ethical paper for printing?

Its almost as good as natural paper, but definitely a shade lower because it is not bleached and hence not that extra bright and white. However, for monochromatic printing, the difference is not noticeable. It can be used for multi-colour printing too, but the difference will be there, due to the sheer difference in the brightness of the base component.
