With more than 100 YEARS of EXPERIENCE we, at Idemitsu Lube India, are proud to offer you our proven products. Established on 30 March 1940, Idemitsu Kosan Co.Pvt.Ltd. is a leading Japanese petroleum company. We manufacture technologically advanced high quality products with the help of environment friendly techniques.
Since its establishment, Idemitsu has been practising the concept of a “respect for human beings” in the conduct of business, and has sought to meet the high expectations of society and to earn its trust. In order to realize this ideal, Idemitsu Lube India strives to do the following:
Based on above principles, the Company makes the following commitments to stakeholders in the Idemitsu Group’s management policies:
Creation and provision of new value to customers
We provide products, technologies and services that give customers a strong feeling of assurance, greater vitality and absolute satisfaction, as we strive to create new value.
Contribution to society and the environment
We make safety the cornerstone of business and strive to preserve and improve the natural environment. We also contribute to communities, culture and society.
Assured returns to shareholders
We fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, strive for sound, sustainable growth, and endeavour to generate stable returns for shareholders.
Cooperation with partners
Idemitsu Lube India secure the confidence, greater vitality and absolute satisfaction of our customers through cooperation with the retail outlets of service stations and others involved in our businesses, and aim to share the results as well as the success.
Pursuit of employees growth and self-realization
We create a work environment in which each employee’s can pursue his or her own growth and self-realization. We also make every effort to ensure that each employee is respected