Him Imperial Auto Glass Works is a leading manufacturer of Toughened Glass, Laminated Safety Glass & Window Frames. Manufacturing of this range is done as per the set industry norms and guidelines, utilizing the finest raw materials and modern machines. Our company is certified by ISO 9001:2015 and our products’ quality standards are approved/verified by ARAI (THE AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF INDIA), ICAT (INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY), BIS (BUREAU OF INDIA STANDARDS) & IATF (TS). We support our customers with an inherent commitment to strong value for maintaining “Long Term Relationship” with “High Business Ethics”. Our is system driven company where Innovation, Continuous Improvement and Commitment to quality are the foundations of the organization. These values imbibe a sense of confidence in all our customers and they unanimously rate us a “Reliable” supplier.
Him Imperial Auto Glass Works has manufacturing facilities at Kala Amb (Himachal Pradesh) with competence in product development and support of In-house Tool Designing.