
Gokul Dass & Co Jewellers


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Gokul Dass & Co Jewellers supplies the finest products to businesses all over the world at unbeatable prices. We have a wide variety of products that cater to all types of budgets, and we do everything in our power to guarantee you receive your order as soon as possible.

Our collections represent a journey through heritage, traditions, culture and modernity and your treasure to preserve for ever. We guarantee that each and every jewel bearing the GD mark is perfect, unparalleled in quality and workmanship.

Gokul Dass & Co Jewellers is a leading manufacturer & wholesaler of fine quality 14K & 18k studded jewellery set with real precious & semi-precious gemstones and diamonds. Our collections represent a journey through heritage, traditions, culture and modernity and your treasure to preserve for ever. We guarantee that each and every jewel bearing the GD mark is perfect, unparalleled in quality and workmanship.

​We believe in honest pricing and exceptional service and work hard to provide you with an incredible variety of products. Whether you’re looking to purchase one of our products or a hundred of them, we’re here to get the job done. Let us know how we can be of service and we’ll happily assist you in any way we can.
