RK METAL ROOFINGS PVT LTD started its trading of roofing sheet’s business in the year 2002. And had visioned over the years that metal colour roofing sheets are being opted globally, due to its superior looks and durability. Its popularity has grown by leaps and bounds, as more people opt for metal roofing sheets to be thatched. So we stepped up in to establish our first manufacturing unit for roofing sheet in the year 2010. Now proudly proclaim that we stand at our fifth establishment in the year 2022. Both residential and commercial sectors are keen on using this material with the benefits which seems to be multifaceted.
Based in Tiruchirapalli, RK Metal Roofings Private Limited has established as one of the best & pioneering Metal & Roofing Company in the region and around. Our fabricated and installed roofing work does not require maintenance jobs after installation. We have a large infrastructural facility for better working environment on the ground of various quality parameters.
Our steps were firm and peculiar to become familiar and be a role player because of our relentless effort with continuous improvement in our products and end-to-end customer service had led the company’s unique position with success in value creating initiatives. Over the years of journey, we have been working to earn many hearts of valuable customers and corporators spread over Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Kerala who are in continue patronizing